DNA Sequencer Laboratory

Phone : +91-3222-283762

Location : NB / FF / 5, CRF

Facilitator : Prof. Pinaki Sar, Biotechnology
Email: psar@bt.iitkgp.ac.in, Contact:+91-3222-283754


3500 Genetic Analyzer is an automated DNA sequencing instrument used to determine the sequence of individual genes, or clusters of genes or operons, SNP in a population, EST database preparation of any organism. Faculty, students (B. Tech and M. Tech) and Research Scholars of different departments (Chemistry, Biotechnology, SMST, AgFE, ALPGE) across IIT Kharagpur and outside academicians have used this equipment over the several years for their research work.


Prof. Pinaki Sar

Equipment Details

3500 Genetic Analyzer

500 Genetic Analyzer system
Manufacturer Details : Sl. No. 24166-181, Applied Biosystem, Hitachi, supplied by Invitrogen Bioservice India Pvt. Ltd. installed on March’2013.
8 capillary system and Multiplex capabilities for DNA fragment analysis with upto 6 separate dyes.


Utility and Working Principal

Sample Details

List of Laboratories