Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Laboratory (MALDI-ToF MS)

Phone : +91-3222-283756

Location : NB / FF / 6, CRF

Facilitator : Dr. Indranath Chakraborty, Nano Science and Technology
Email:, Contact:+91-3222-284980


  • MALDI ToF/ToF (Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Time of Flight/ Time of Flight) Ultraflextreme instrument and it is used for the determination of the molecular mass is an mass spectrometric of different chemical and biomolecules such as protein, peptide, polymers, organic & inorganic molecules etc.
  • This Intrument with special facility to determine denovo protein sequence, peptide mass fingerprint(PMF). This Instrument is coupled with a Nano Lc (Liquid Chromatography) for PMF, denovo protein sequence etc.


  • 1. Accurate mass determination.

            2. Peptide mass fingerprint.

3.Identification of microorganism using biotyper.

4.Tissue imaging using image prep.

5. Lipid identification using TLC MALDI.


Dr. Indranath Chakraborty
Nano Science and Technology
Mr. Bidhan Chandra Sing
Technical Staff
Central Research Facility

Equipment Details

MALDI ToF/ToF (Time of Flight/Time of Flight) Utraflextreme

  • Name: MALDI ToF/ToF;  
  • Model: Ultraflextreme  
  • Manufacturer details :  BRUKER DALTONIK GmbH  Life Sciences  Fahrenheitstr. 4, D-28359 Bremen Germany , SALES CONTACT
    phone: +49 (421) 2205-0, SERVICE CONTACT
    phone: +49 (421) 2205 350
  • Year of Instalation: 2014

Utility and Working Principal


Sample Details

     Different Type of samples (Protein, peptide,polymer,chemical molecules ) are mixed with appropiate matrix (eg. SA, HCCA,DHB,etc) for crystallization before data acquisition.

Sample Title

Fig: True spectra of Maldi Tof/Tof  PMF

List of Laboratories