Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Laboratory (MALDI-ToF MS)
Phone : +91-3222-283756
Location : NB / FF / 6, CRF
Facilitator :
Dr. Indranath Chakraborty, Nano Science and Technology
Email:, Contact:+91-3222-284980
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2. Peptide mass fingerprint.
3.Identification of microorganism using biotyper.
4.Tissue imaging using image prep.
5. Lipid identification using TLC MALDI.
Equipment Details
MALDI ToF/ToF (Time of Flight/Time of Flight) Utraflextreme
Utility and Working Principal
Sample Details
Different Type of samples (Protein, peptide,polymer,chemical molecules ) are mixed with appropiate matrix (eg. SA, HCCA,DHB,etc) for crystallization before data acquisition.
Fig: True spectra of Maldi Tof/Tof PMF