Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorter Lab (FACS)
Phone : +91-3222-283768
Location : NB / FF / 4 & 5, CRF
Facilitator :
Prof. Sudip Kumar Ghosh, Biotechnology
Email: sudip@hijli.iitkgp.ac.in, Contact:+91-3222-283768
For Internal Users - Click Here to apply for Slot
For External Users - Click Here to apply for Slot
Equipment Details
FACS Caliber provided by M/S Becton Dickinson and Company Singapore Branch, 30 Tuas Avenue, Singapore-639461.
FACS Aria III provided by M/S Becton Dickinson Holding Pte Ltd (BDHPL) Singapore Branch, 30 Tuas Avenue, Singapore-639461.
High performance analyzer cum cell sorter, Fiber optics light path-Both for lasers and Emission, 6 lasers, 2 physical (Forward Scatter and side scatter) and 9 fluorescence detectors.
Utility and Working Principal
It works depending upon the light scattering features of the cells, which may be derived from dyes or monoclonal antibodies targeting either extracellular molecules located on the surface or intracellular molecules inside the cell.
Sample Details
Samples will not be analyzed unless complete information is provided.
Samples should be stained by the user.
Pathogenic sample or Human blood or tissue must be fixed otherwise will not be allowed to analysis.
The user must bring samples to CRF on the date and time of analysis.
One Hard copy of the result will be provided.