TEM Sample Preparation Laboratory

Phone : +91-3222-283272

Location : NB / GF / 12 & 6, CRF

Facilitator : Dr. Chandra Sekhar Tiwary, Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
Email: chandra.tiwary@metal.iitkgp.ac.in, Contact:+91-3222-283272


To examine different types of materials in respect of microstructure and atomic arrangement.


Dr. Chandra Sekhar Tiwary
Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
Mr. Sudipta Mandal
Technical Staff
Central Research Facility

Equipment Details

Dimple Grinder



Carbon Coater






Disc polisher



Jet Polisher

Grinder Rotopol

Jet Polisher

Diamond Saw

Dimple Grinder

Glass Knife Cutter And Trimmer

Ion Miller


Ultrasonic Disc Cutter

Utility and Working Principal



Sample Details

Instruction (Sample Prep.)
Sample preparation laboratory is equipped with all types of instruments for making samples of metals, polymers, ceramics etc. for TEM study. The name of the instruments are -
a) Ion-Miller
b) Twin jet polisher
c) Cryo-microtome
d) Diamond cutter
e) Disc Punch
f) Carbon coater
g) Dimple grinder
h) Ultrasonic disc Cutter

A separate form has to be filled up and deposited to TEM sample preparation lab. for preparation of sample for TEM study.

Electron diffraction of nano gold particles.
Micro structure of CdI nano particles.

Electron diffraction of nano gold particles.

Micro structure of CdI nano particles.

List of Laboratories