Nano - Indentation & Nano - Tribology Laboratory
Phone : +91-3222-283242
Location : NB / FF / 3, CRF
Facilitator :
Prof. Tapas Laha, Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
Email:, Contact:+91-3222-283242
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The nanoindenter (TI-950) with nano-tribological testing facility is a nanomechanical characterization instrument with in-situ SPM (Scanning Probe Microsocopy) imaging facility, through which mechanical properties like hardness, Young's modulus, stress-strain behavior, creep, indentation fatigue resistance and fracture toughness of metals and alloys, ceramics, polymers, thin films, coatings, individual phases in multiphase alloys, composites, soft biological tissues and samples immersed in fluid can be studied. The instrument is capable of carrying out various mechanical testing operations in nano-scale as well as in micro-scale, owing to its dual head testing capability. The various mechanical testing could be carried out at higher temperature (up to 400oC) also. Integrated with low-noise three-plate capacitive transducers and electronics, the multi-layered enclosure and active vibration isolation system provide excellent environmental separation for the instrument.
Available Testing Modes:
Materials of Interest: Metals and alloys, ceramics, polymers, thin films, coatings, individual phases in multiphase alloys, composites, soft biological tissues and samples immersed in fluid.
Equipment Details
Model: TI 950 TriboIndenter, Hysitron Inc., USA.
Utility and Working Principal
Low Load Head: Two-Dimensional Transducer Assembly - Patented 3-plate capacitive |
Force and displacement feedback control: performech™ Advanced Control Module |
Thermal Drift | <= 0.05 nm/s/oC |
Quantitative topographical imaging via scanning probe microscopy |
Continuous stiffness measurement: nano DMA III ™ |
Higher load mode: 3D OmniProbe |
Temperature | Range: Room temperature to 400oC |
*: A shorter version of specifications is provided here.
Sample Details
The surface of interest must be mirror polished with perfectly parallel base surface, where the maximum allowable sample dimension is 30 mm X 30 mm X 20 mm. It is requested to contact the Professor-in-Charge for testing (i) samples with other dimensions, (ii) biological samples and (iii) samples immersed in fluid.