High Resolution - XRD Laboratory

Phone : +91-3222-283284

Location : OB / FF - 3 & 14 FF / 2, CRF

Facilitator : Prof. Jayanta Das, Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
Email: j.das@metal.iitkgp.ac.in, Contact:+91-3222-283284


X-ray powder diffraction is most commonly used for the identification of unknown crystalline and amorphous substances (e.g. minerals, inorganic compounds). Determination of unknown solids is important for various disciplines of research.


Prof. Jayanta Das
Metallurgical & Materials Engineering

Equipment Details

High Resolution - XRD Laboratory

1. Serial No: DY2491 2. Model No: X’Pert PRO PW3040/60 3. Manufacturer: Panalytical (Malvern) 4. Power Consumption: 8.5 kVA 5. Type of Measurements: Powder diffraction and Temperature Variant (up to 900 deg)
1. Serial No: 209629 2. Model No: D2 Phaser 3. Manufacturer: Bruker AXS 4. Power Consumption: 0.6 kVA 5. Type of Measurements: Powder diffraction

Utility and Working Principal

Sample Details

Solid samples with polished surfaces (length-1.5 cm, width-1.5 cm, and height-0.3 cm) thin films (length-1.5 cm, width-1.5 cm, and height-0.3 cm) and powder can be measured directly by XRD. You will bring knowledge of XRD pattern range (2 Theta angle).

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