Scanning Auger Nanoprobe Laboratory

Phone : +91-3222-283820

Location : NB / GF / 7, CRF

Facilitator : Prof. Amreesh Chandra , Physics
Email:, Contact:+91-3222-283820



Prof. Amreesh Chandra

Equipment Details


Equipment Description Details:


  • A patented, precision, cylindrical mirror analyser for minimum shadowing and maximum sensitivity.
  • A coaxially mounted, differentially pumped schottky field emission electron gun with high spatial resolution and a large energy range(from1-25keV)
  • A patented Multichannel Detector and fast electronics for data acquisition and maximum sensitivity.
  • User adjustable energy resolution from 0.5% to 0.1%
  • A High sensitivity, high contrast scintillation detector for secondary electron imaging with up to 4096 by 4096 pixel resolution.
  • Easy to use software user interface with digitally encoded manual user interface for fast, intuitive optimization of electron gun parameters.
  • Acoustical Isolation Enclosure resolution and the most suitable analysis environment.
  • A fully motorizes, computer driven five-axis precision specimen stage for rapid, accurate and easy positioning and “compucentric” Zalar Rotation depth profile.
  • Full analytical capability including secondary electron imaging, multiple Auger point, line and area analysis, Auger imaging, depth-composition analysis, backscattered electron imaging, user-definable settings, and automated command sequences including multi-sample or multi-location analysis.
  • Auger spectral window mapping with spectra acquires at each pixel with user selectable high energy resolution and full data processing software for chemical state imaging.
  • A multi-technique UHV test chamber featuring stainless steel construction and mu-metal shielded design with ports able to accommodate FIB, EDS, EBSD and EBS.
  • A 60mm specimen introduction and magnetically coupled transfer system with a magnetically levitated turbo molecular pump and automated valve controls for rapid samples handling.
  • A 5kV floating column argon ion for surface cleaning, charge neutralization as well as Auger compositional depth profiling at high or low ion impact energies. The gun is differentially pumped and has a bend for neutrals rejection.

Standard Features/Specifications

  • Cylindrical mirror analyzer (CMA)
  • Coaxial 25 kV field emission electron gun
  • Scintillation secondary electron detector
  • High energy resolution module
  • 5 axis automated sample stage
  • 5 kV floating column Ar+ ion gun
  • SmartSoft-Auger instrument control software
  • MultiPak data reduction software
  • Acoustic Enclosure
  • Ion pumped main chamber

Year of Installation: 2014

Manufacturer details:

1. Physical Electronics, 18725 Lake Drive East, Chanhassen, MN 55317, USA,

2. ULVAC-PHI, Inc., 370 Enzo, Chigasaki, Kanagawa, 253-8522, Japan,

Utility and Working Principal

When a beam of electrons is fired at the surface of the material, these beams simulate several interactions. One of those interactions is Auger Electron Spectroscopy. The principle of Auger operates by allowing a high-energy electron from the beam to eject an electron from its orbit creating an empty hole in the orbit. As this occurs, another electron from a higher orbit moves to fill the empty space. As the electron changes from a higher to a lower orbit, it releases energy. This energy might eject a third electron from another orbit. By measuring the energy of the emitter electron, called the Auger electron, the atom can be identified. Different atoms have different atomic orbits and therefore different Auger energies.

Sample Details

Type: samples must be electro conductive

Size: There is no special sample preparation for auger spectroscopy

Precautions: samples must be clean and neat.

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